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Dogfish Head’s Ancient Ales

By Sam Calagione, Founder and president of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

The Reinheitsgebot, in addition to being a long and funny word, is the name of the Bavarian Beer Purity Act of 1516. It made it illegal to brew with anything other than barley, water and hops. (Yeast had yet to be identified by Louis Pasteur.) Flash forward to today and the vast majority of commercially available beer is brewed in accordance with, or with deference to, this arcane law. And yet, long before the law existed – thousands of years earlier – every culture brewed beer with whatever was flavorful, bountiful and delicious and grew beneath their land. American craft brewers are bringing this adventurous spirit back to the brewing landscape.

My brewery, Dogfish Head, has built its reputation for brewing extreme, exotic, extraordinary beers with “nontraditional” ingredients like chicory, licorice root, maple syrup, honey, pumpkins, raisins and brown sugar. This may sound freaky – or perhaps rebellious to “traditional” brewing practices – but it turns out that history has proved these are indeed traditional beers. You may say this refers to ancient history, and you’d be right!

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