Japanese Whiskey and Other International Whiskies

Beyond Scotland, Ireland, and Canada, Whiskey is made around the world, including in Japan, India, and South Africa.

Whiskey is made in more countries than you might imagine. Beyond Scotch, Canadian and Irish Whiskeys and the familiar American styles, Japanese Whisky, Indian Whisky, South African Whiskey and other fine examples are finding fans around the world.

Japan has a century-long tradition of distilling Whisky in the Scottish style (the spelling "Whisky" is just the first clue that their spirit is inspired by Scotch). But Japanese Whisky is still a new phenomenon in the United States marketplace.

Japanese Whisky producers use imported Scottish barley, local water and a variety of barrel types – including aromatic Japanese mizunara oak – to make their acclaimed spirits. Unlike the Scots, who typically blend malts from a variety of distilleries, Japanese producers only blend malts they have distilled under their own roofs. They use a range of yeasts, stills and barrel types to produce the range of flavors desired for their blends.

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